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API Keys

Create API Key

Create a new API key. The generated API key can be used to authenticate to the ngrok API.


POST /api_keys

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \
-d '{"description":"ad-hoc dev testing","metadata":"{\"environment\":\"dev\"}"}' \


descriptionstringhuman-readable description of what uses the API key to authenticate. optional, max 255 bytes.
metadatastringarbitrary user-defined data of this API key. optional, max 4096 bytes
owner_idstringIf supplied at credential creation, ownership will be assigned to the specified User or Bot. Only admins may specify an owner other than themselves. Defaults to the authenticated User or Bot.


Returns a 201 response on success

Example Response

"id": "ak_2ZGotXzdedOofFJm7Zu4y50thDn",
"uri": "",
"description": "ad-hoc dev testing",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\"}",
"created_at": "2023-12-08T17:53:11Z",
"token": "2ZGotXzdedOofFJm7Zu4y50thDn_6gn91d4jKVEhtt5UXPwC5",
"owner_id": "usr_2ZGotP2Q8CK0nsviUugKE6cTCSW"


idstringunique API key resource identifier
uristringURI to the API resource of this API key
descriptionstringhuman-readable description of what uses the API key to authenticate. optional, max 255 bytes.
metadatastringarbitrary user-defined data of this API key. optional, max 4096 bytes
created_atstringtimestamp when the api key was created, RFC 3339 format
tokenstringthe bearer token that can be placed into the Authorization header to authenticate request to the ngrok API. This value is only available one time, on the API response from key creation. Otherwise it is null.
owner_idstringIf supplied at credential creation, ownership will be assigned to the specified User or Bot. Only admins may specify an owner other than themselves. Defaults to the authenticated User or Bot.

Delete API Key

Delete an API key by ID


DELETE /api_keys/{id}

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \


Returns a 204 response with no body on success

Get API Key

Get the details of an API key by ID.


GET /api_keys/{id}

Example Request

curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \


Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response

"id": "ak_2ZGotXzdedOofFJm7Zu4y50thDn",
"uri": "",
"description": "ad-hoc dev testing",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\", \"owner_id\": 123}",
"created_at": "2023-12-08T17:53:11Z",
"token": null,
"owner_id": "usr_2ZGotP2Q8CK0nsviUugKE6cTCSW"


idstringunique API key resource identifier
uristringURI to the API resource of this API key
descriptionstringhuman-readable description of what uses the API key to authenticate. optional, max 255 bytes.
metadatastringarbitrary user-defined data of this API key. optional, max 4096 bytes
created_atstringtimestamp when the api key was created, RFC 3339 format
tokenstringthe bearer token that can be placed into the Authorization header to authenticate request to the ngrok API. This value is only available one time, on the API response from key creation. Otherwise it is null.
owner_idstringIf supplied at credential creation, ownership will be assigned to the specified User or Bot. Only admins may specify an owner other than themselves. Defaults to the authenticated User or Bot.

List API Keys

List all API keys owned by this account


GET /api_keys

Example Request

curl \
-X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \


Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response

"keys": [
"id": "ak_2ZGotO4tigeQzjZ849LnX6nIIG9",
"uri": "",
"description": "api key for example generation",
"created_at": "2023-12-08T17:53:10Z",
"token": null,
"owner_id": "usr_2ZGotP2Q8CK0nsviUugKE6cTCSW"
"id": "ak_2ZGotXzdedOofFJm7Zu4y50thDn",
"uri": "",
"description": "ad-hoc dev testing",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\"}",
"created_at": "2023-12-08T17:53:11Z",
"token": null,
"owner_id": "usr_2ZGotP2Q8CK0nsviUugKE6cTCSW"
"uri": "",
"next_page_uri": null


keysAPIKeythe list of API keys for this account
uristringURI of the API keys list API resource
next_page_uristringURI of the next page, or null if there is no next page

APIKey fields

idstringunique API key resource identifier
uristringURI to the API resource of this API key
descriptionstringhuman-readable description of what uses the API key to authenticate. optional, max 255 bytes.
metadatastringarbitrary user-defined data of this API key. optional, max 4096 bytes
created_atstringtimestamp when the api key was created, RFC 3339 format
tokenstringthe bearer token that can be placed into the Authorization header to authenticate request to the ngrok API. This value is only available one time, on the API response from key creation. Otherwise it is null.
owner_idstringIf supplied at credential creation, ownership will be assigned to the specified User or Bot. Only admins may specify an owner other than themselves. Defaults to the authenticated User or Bot.

Update API Key

Update attributes of an API key by ID.


PATCH /api_keys/{id}

Example Request

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Ngrok-Version: 2" \
-d '{"metadata":"{\"environment\":\"dev\", \"owner_id\": 123}"}' \


descriptionstringhuman-readable description of what uses the API key to authenticate. optional, max 255 bytes.
metadatastringarbitrary user-defined data of this API key. optional, max 4096 bytes


Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response

"id": "ak_2ZGotXzdedOofFJm7Zu4y50thDn",
"uri": "",
"description": "ad-hoc dev testing",
"metadata": "{\"environment\":\"dev\", \"owner_id\": 123}",
"created_at": "2023-12-08T17:53:11Z",
"token": null,
"owner_id": "usr_2ZGotP2Q8CK0nsviUugKE6cTCSW"


idstringunique API key resource identifier
uristringURI to the API resource of this API key
descriptionstringhuman-readable description of what uses the API key to authenticate. optional, max 255 bytes.
metadatastringarbitrary user-defined data of this API key. optional, max 4096 bytes
created_atstringtimestamp when the api key was created, RFC 3339 format
tokenstringthe bearer token that can be placed into the Authorization header to authenticate request to the ngrok API. This value is only available one time, on the API response from key creation. Otherwise it is null.
owner_idstringIf supplied at credential creation, ownership will be assigned to the specified User or Bot. Only admins may specify an owner other than themselves. Defaults to the authenticated User or Bot.